Ford is renowned for its performance, durability and affordability, and Freedom Ford wants the quality of our dealership to match the quality of the product we represent - and weve been doing just that for over 30 years. Freedom Ford is Edmontons exclusive SVT Dealer and offers its very own Ford Aluminum Certified body shop, 34 service bays to serve you as fast as possible, and Ford Performance Parts dealer. We house one of Edmontons largest inventories at $20 million and 500 total units - which means that if this vehicle isnt the right one for you, we are happy to find you the one that is - no matter your needs, wants or budget. With true 24/7 availability, you can reach Freedom Ford through text, phone call, email or Facebook. Come visit Freedom Ford, located at 7505 75 Street, Edmonton, AB. Cant make it down right away? Give us a call at 587-206-8171 to book a test drive! Please see dealer for details. Pricing does not include tax. AMVIC Licensed Dealership. Stock #24LT4155
Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the vehicle data above, however because of the possibility of human error, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the displayed information, the availability of this vehicle, or the accuracy of its photo or stock photo. Please contact the seller directly to confirm availability, or more information on this vehicle. Prices exclude local and federal taxes, insurance, licensing and other applicable fees. Price may not include dealer installed options, accessories, administration fees and other dealer charges.